About Us

RecConnect is a team of professional trail experts committed to providing high-quality off-highway vehicle (OHV) trails, facilities, and management. We believe in maintaining access for the public, multiple-use, and resource protection. With our extensive experience, we help our clients produce outstanding projects by assisting them in planning, location, design, or project management. OHV recreation must be managed and we have mastered the principles and tools necessary to achieve effective and successful management. We provide training and technology transfer that gives our clients the tools they need to understand what needs to be done, how and when to do it, and how to maintain and manage it for the long term.

As professional OHV Consultants and Snowmobile Consultants, we provide competent assistance in every level of project planning and development. An underlying principle is that OHV recreation MUST be managed. Unmanaged use leads to a proliferation of generally non-sustainable trails, resource impacts, user conflicts, and negativity towards OHV recreation.

Program Design and Management
One of the three critical elements for success is having a good trail program. We help our clients develop a common vision and identify staffing, funding, volunteer program, and infrastructure needs.

Trail Planning
A good plan lays the foundation for building a successful project. We develop feasibility studies, programmatic plans, conceptual plans, and site specific plans.

Trail Design
The key to quality design is understanding the users, their needs, and their vehicles and balancing those with the landscape, resource issues, and management desires.

Trail Location
Good location is an art more than a science. We possess that rare talent to create an exceptional trail that harmonizes with the landscape. Any trail should be constantly moving both horizontally and vertically. This creates FLOW which increases the fun factor of the rider; increases drainage and sustainability; and constantly changes the rider’s viewshed.

Expert Witness Services
Our extensive experience allows us to provide competent, confident testimony and positive results for both OHV and snowmobile cases.

Workshops and Seminars
We provide training and education presentations that are packed with the tools for success. Click here to request a workshop.

Sustainability, Feasibility, & Safety Assessments
Many existing trails are wholly or partially non-sustainable and are contributing to safety or resource impact issues. RecConnect has the experience to evaluate those areas and make comprehensive recommendations for corrective actions.

Facility Design
Quality facilities must complement quality trails to create a first-class project. We design and locate trailheads, staging areas, campgrounds, group sites, play areas, learner loops, beginner areas, sno-parks, and high-density OHV parks.

Project Management
For a quality project, it is important that the end product on the ground meets the vision developed during the planning process. We provide project management services that include communication with stakeholders, securing materials and supplies, adjusting priorities, coordinating volunteers, informing management, and construction oversight to ensure quality control and consistency with the project vision.

Great Trails OHV Guidebook
As one of the leading OHV consultants nationally, RecConnect was chosen by peers and the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) to write a comprehensive guide on OHV planning, design, construction, management, and maintenance. It is the foremost OHV resource available for managers, field personnel, and enthusiasts.

Volunteer Trail Ranger (Patrol) Training
Education is critical and volunteers can play a key role in providing that education with peer pressure.

Three Key Elements For Success:
- Provide for the user’s needs
- Design for sustainability
- Develop an effective management and maintenance program

The 4 E's
For any OHV project to be successful, it must equally apply the following:





Take a Workshop
We provide seminars and workshops for groups or individuals. Through technology and information transfer, we can save our clients time and money by not having to “reinvent the wheel.” We have been there and done that and we know what works and what doesn’t. Our training incorporates a creative mix of PowerPoint presentations, interactive discussions, and field demonstrations so that attendees not only learn the theory but also experience the practice. We custom design each workshop to meet the needs of our client and our tag-team approach to presentations infuses interest and energy into each group.

With our experience, vision, and creativity, we craft: